

The arts

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Posted by Zero2562130 - July 17th, 2012

Your animations were half-baked and you were never really funny.


You need to grow up dude.

You need to stop being a faggot.

i ogre e e

Fuck off, faggot.

sad no one likes you

Oh wow that's creative.

You need to get a life Zero. Your mad at others just because they like something you don't? Man you need to grow up.

Faggots don't deserve good treatment.

@dub IKR!

You're still a faggot, for the record.

We all know no one likes you because you have no life. Get a Life troll.

Despite the fact that I don't spend my life looking at gay shows.

Wow you are hating like the butthurt 10 year old faggot you are.
Where did i see that earlier...

Probably in the mirror, faggot.

If faggot is the only thing you can say,then you really must be some 10 year old autist.

Says the 14 year-old who watches the most autistic show on the planet.

@sileNt and Dubstep Lol guys theres no bothering with this one. He's to much of a brat to accept facts. He's getting mad Online because his Reality Life fails. If he is Gay then so be it, that explains why he hates us cause he's taking his Gayness out on us for liking "MLP"cause he thinks it's gay? That makes no sence to me.

What are you talking about? I accepted the fact you ponyfags are huge faggots a long time ago; that doesn't mean I have to like you for it. It makes sense because MLP is gay and stupid, like you, the real problem is that you don't realize it.

Guys guys,ignore this loser. Sooner or later he will get his sorry ass kicked anyway.

^Big scary talk from the junior high zoophile.

@Zero Stop being jelly of our love for MLP brat. Get a Life.

Why would I be jealous of faggotry? If liking gay shit is your idea of having a life, then you must spend all of your time locked in the basement. Carpe diem, queer.


#You're a fag

Silent stop wasting your time on this fucking moron. There are more things than this sad loser who obviously got nothing better to do than wasting his time sitting behind a computer screen thinking we actually give a fuck about his stupid opinions.

A ponyfag calling other people morons; oh the irony.

You gave enough of a fuck to reply, idiot.

Um Zero, you don't even know us. All you know about us is what we Post. And even that can Lie.

I know you enough to conclude that you're a faggot.

No, no you don't. You don't know me at all. Thats a Fact, try to prove me wrong.

I know you like MLP, and thus I can successfully conclude that you're a faggot. Take a seat, kid.

calling people a bundle of sticks sure will get you more friends....
nice try, but you have successfully earned yourself a shit reputation.
good day to you, and good luck in your struggle

I didn't call them "a bundle of sticks", I called them faggots, you prepubescent twat. I'm not interested in befriending ponyfags, nor having a good reputation amongst them.

Kill yourself, ponyfaggot.

@Zero Nope. ADULTs like MLP and guess what, some of them ARE Scientists and thats a fact. Calling them a Faggot will just get you in Jail to Delusion and/or Insanity... Since SOME Scientists got a massive Influence on the Public.

Manchildren like MLP*

Fixed. The closest things these shut-ins have gotten to science is owning prescription bottles that they're not taking, which is a fact. There is no such ponyfag who has large public influence, you stupid faggot.

Um... Yes there is dude. Check it, over 20000 MLP fans and growing.

It's a shame that there are that many autistic retards and growing; good thing they have no public influence.

faggot or esp ( US ) fagot 1

1. a bundle of sticks or twigs, esp when bound together and used as fuel
2. a bundle of iron bars, esp a box formed by four pieces of wrought iron and filled with scrap to be forged into wrought iron
3. a ball of chopped meat, usually pork liver, bound with herbs and bread and eaten fried
4. a bundle of anything

5. to collect into a bundle or bundles
6. needlework to do faggoting on (a garment, piece of cloth, etc)

Good job leaving out your own definition, faggot.

ever hear of bronx science?
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bronx_High_School_of_Science">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bronx_High_Sc hool_of_Science</a>
beat this please


Oh God, that is fucking hilarious.

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